How To Make Homemade Iced Coffee

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I’m going show you how I like to make my iced coffee if you’re anything like me you’re a huge coffee drinker I definitely am, I love coffee I drink it probably drink it way too much but it’s my guilty pleasure and during the winter months and of course even during the summer I just love to have a good cup of hot coffee, but there’s nothing more refreshing when during the day you just need a pick me up and you have just got a giant glass of cold iced coffee. It’s just fantastic! The ingredients for them are super simple you’re just going need coffee and water, but what’s important is the ratio to 4 cups of water you’re going need a 1/3cup, 6 Tablespoon, of some strong coffee granules. Not the instant just regular strong coffee granules. That’s going make a huge difference. Most people just make a huge pot of coffee and put in the fridge then it gets cold, and you have iced coffee. I’m not one of those people, I think it’s way, way too mild. It doesn’t taste like anything to me I need itto be really good.  So here’s how I do it. I take some water and put it into this pot and all I’m doing is warming it up to the touch. I am literally not going bring this to a boil, not a simmer, once I put my finger in and it’s warm I know that I’m at the right stage.
You don’t want you’re water to cold and you don’t want it to be hot, you just want it to be slightly warm. This isn’t going take more than 30 seconds. I can already feel it’s getting there, really quickly, so while that’s happening I’m going put my coffee – coffee granules into this big measuring cup you can put this into whatever you want. This is nearly there I would say it’s about, if i had to pick a number I would say it’s about90 degrees Fahrenheit. That’s perfect. Then you’re going put this warm water over the coffee granules and cover it tightly with plastic wrap and you’re going leave it alone to steep for 8 hours. I know that sounds like it’s a long time but think about it you can do it the night before takes you 30 seconds and the next day when I wake up the tomorrow morning which will be about 10 seconds for you, I’m going show you the next step. But I’m just going leave it aside on my counter for about 8 hours and I’ll show you what to do next. It’s been about 8 hours that my coffee has been steeping here.  So it’s time to drain-well not really drain it, but strain it and then we’re done.  It’s done all of its magic overnight, we didn’t have to do anything else to it. 
I am going to strain it. Now I have a very fine sieve here and I’m going line it with multiple layers of cheese cloth, you can use coffee filters, but you’re going need to change them every once in a while because they will become really, really messy and not very pleasant. So carefully and with patience a little bit at a time I’m going strain this into a clean pitcher. Now that you have that done you’re ready. Give that a stir. All your coffee granules will stay in the cheese cloth and in all the way at bottom here so don’t worry there’ll be nothing in here. Now all you’ll need is a very large glass filled with ice. That’s pretty much how I like to roll with iced coffee. Fill it up give it a little room and then how you like to sweeten it, well that’s up to you. 

But for iced coffee I suggest using a sweeten syrup like I’m going use today because it’s already dissolved the sugar is already dissolved. I’ve already done a quick tip on how to make a simple syrup. It’s just equal parts of water and sugar, you just cook them together until the sugar melts and than let it cool, and now were done. I’m going sweeten it with that, but if you don’t have this I would suggest using super fine sugar because regular sugar is not going to dissolve in iced coffee, quick tip. Sweeten it however you like, I do kind of like my coffee kind of sweet, I like a little splash of milk, not too terribly much, get a straw ready and that is iced coffee. A delicious iced coffee. It’s simple, it’s easy you still have to have the ratio right and once you have the ratio right there’s no going back to buying it anywhere else because it’s easy enough to make it that you can make it at home and this method is fool proof. I guarantee it.