Benefits of Using a Reusable K Cup for Your Morning Brew

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Keurig’s single serve brewing systems allow individuals the convenience of preparing a single cup of coffee or tea at a time. This means that you can enjoy a beverage that is always fresh and hot, and that you can change your beverage choice between refills without wasting an entire pot of leftover coffee or tea.

Using a reusable cup in these systems offers you the following benefits:

Environmentally Friendly

While K cups can be recycled, the process is quite difficult. Each layer must be separated, the filter must be removed, and only the plastic cup itself is recyclable. The foil cover and filter must still be thrown out with your trash. Special tools are available to make the process easier, but they’re rather expensive on their own. If you’re concerned about the environment at all, it’s hard not to be worried about the amount of waste that these brewing systems generate. A reusable K cup allows you to use your Keurig machine without hurting the environment. You can enjoy the convenience of a single cup of your favorite hot beverage, without worrying about the waste that you’re creating or the damage that it’s causing.
Benefits of Using a Reusable K Cup for Your Morning Brew
Benefits of Using a Reusable K Cup for Your Morning Brew

Less Expensive

Depending on the type of coffee or tea you enjoy, K cups can be quite expensive, ranging from $.75 to $1.50 per cup. While this is less expensive than coffee shop coffee, it’s far more expensive than using a traditional coffee maker or teapot. Coffee and tea are far less expensive when they’re purchased in bulk, and it simply makes sound financial sense to stock up on your favorite brands instead of purchasing them in single serve packaging. Reusable K cups allow you to purchase coffee or tea in bulk, then use it in your single serve brewer, saving you quite a bit of money over time.

Enjoy Your Favorite Brands

If you have a favorite brand of coffee or tea that you’ve always enjoyed, you may be disappointed to learn that it’s not available in K cup form. Loose leaf teas, specialty coffees, or exclusive brands may simply not be available in K cups. Keurig produces specialty coffee specifically for its machines, meaning that the products available to you are quite limited. This can turn you off to the brewing system entirely as you can’t enjoy the beverage that you love. A reusable K cup can be refilled with the coffee or tea of your choice, allowing you to enjoy your favorite brands. Sip your favorite herbal tea, specially roasted coffee, or flavored hot beverage with ease when you switch to a refillable cup.
If you enjoy the convenience of a single serving brewing system, but want to be kind to the environment and your wallet, it may be time to consider switching to a K cup that you can refill at home. These cups are quick and convenient, and also provide you with many other benefits. Consider making the switch today — you’ll be glad you did.

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